MAGGIORE Smokey Keps
Sven "Smokey" Åsberg är en legendarisk svensk racingprofil som spelade en avgörande roll i att introducera Formel 1 till Sverige. Med en passion för motorsport och en oöverträffad vision, banade han väg för Sveriges första Formel 1-lopp. Smokey's drivkraft och engagemang bidrog inte bara till att sätta Sverige på världskartan inom racing, utan också till att inspirera en ny generation av svenska motorsportentusiaster. Hans arv lever vidare som en pionjär och en av de mest respekterade figurerna inom svensk motorsportshistoria.
Our story
MAGGIORE is a Swedish based company that is focused on making the most unique and exclusive looking headwear on the market. We created Maggiore to fit people that strive for success and happiness in life.
We encourage you to make your own path and creating the life you want and have always dreamed of. For a long time people have enjoyed modern artwork and exclusive clothing. But the two are never combined.
Frequently Asked Questions
All packages are shipped from our warehouse located in Halmstad, Sweden.
We usually send your package within 1 day.
Within Sweden the shipping usually takes 2-5 Days.
If you live inside EU the shipping is usually 3-6 days.
If you live outside of the EU the shipping time is usually 4-7 days.
After we have shipped your order you will recieve an email which will include your tracking id.
When you have recieved your tracking id you can track your order Here or at the bottom of our website.
In Sweden the shipping is completely Free
Which means we will pay for the shpping
Outside of Sweden shipping costs range from 5-7$
This is just because the shipping cost is much higher outside of Sweden.
If you want to return an item you can find our Return Policy and Instructions Here